Posted by Editor on May 29, 2015

When we’re swept away by our stresses and anxieties, making the time to pause and calm down can seem like a challenge—even if we know it’s exactly what we need. If you find yourself in this situation, try to take just two minutes to give yourself a bliss break.
Breathe easily and freely focusing on your in-breaths and out-breaths. Absorb Thay’s words and the sound of the bell with each inhale, releasing all the tensions in your body with each exhale.
Posted by Lilian on March 21, 2013

Gift yourself bliss in less than 2 minutes. Take a break from whatever it is you’re doing. Find a comfortable chair, cushion or rug to sit on and watch this brief meditation. Breathe easily and freely focusing on your in-breaths and out-breaths. Absorb Thay’s words and the sound of the bell with each inhale, release all the tensions in your body with each exhale.
Posted by Lilian on September 3, 2010
Singers and yoga lovers know this trick well. It’s simply diaphragm breathing. Breathing in to your diaphragm instead of your chest cavity allows for deeper, longer breaths and enables this quick do-it-anywhere exercise:
Breathe in slowly through your nose, filling your belly, instead of your chest. (it may help to place your hands on you stomach, to guide the air and feel the expansion)