Posted by Lilian on June 17, 2010
Thank you Fab Over 50, I'm happy to share Savor with your beautiful community.

Posted by Lilian on April 5, 2010
In SAVOR, we share a classic Zen story about a man riding a horse. The horse is galloping quickly, and it appears that the rider is urgently heading somewhere important. A bystander along the road calls out, "Where are you going?" The rider replies, "I don't know! Ask the horse!"
Posted by Lilian on March 1, 2010
I invite you to try this at home: Go into your kitchen and spoon ten teaspoons of sugar into a bowl. Would you ever sit down to eat this much sugar, all at once? Probably not. But if you drink sugar-containing beverages—soft drinks, sweetened iced teas, energy drinks, sports drinks, smoothies, even fruit juice—you can easily consume that much sugar or more in just a few gulps. A 12 ounce can of Coca Cola has 10 teaspoons of sugar in it, about the same as a 12 ounce bottle of 100% orange juice. Grape juice has even more—about 15 teaspoons of sugar in 12 ounces.